Marketing is an essential part of running a business, and there are plenty of marketing strategies out there to choose from. That doesn’t mean all of them are worth your time, though. Some should offer much better results than others, which is why they’re worth focusing on.
That begs the question of which ones you should actually try. You wouldn’t want to waste a lot of time – and money – on something that wouldn’t offer the results you want.
Thankfully, some marketing strategies can stand out for this. Not only are they relatively affordable, but they’ll offer quite a few noticeable results. That should give you a decent return on investment going forward.
Some of these are more worth it than others. Five marketing strategies can be worth starting off with.
Marketing Strategies: 5 Effective Picks
1. Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of making sure your website, articles, blogs, and other online assets rank well on search engines. It takes time and effort, but the benefits are more than worth it. It’ll increase your visibility while bringing in more sales and revenue.
Multiple areas are a part of this, like creating on-page content, getting backlinks, and more. As complicated as this seems, it’s worth putting the effort into. Once you start ranking well on search engines, you’ll see an instant increase in website visitors, which should then translate into more sales.
2. Earned Media
Earned media is one of the oldest marketing strategies a business can use, but it’s still popular today. It’s been around so long because of how effective it can be. It involves getting mentioned in TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers without paying for it. While this is free, you’ll have to go out of your way to earn it.
This is done through a range of public relations tactics, like sending out press releases. This can take a bit of time, however, and there’s never a guarantee you’ll get this media. Once you do, it’s worth it.
3. Social Media Marketing
Social media is one of the more obvious marketing strategies you can use. It’s been a popular approach to take for years, and there are more than a few reasons why. It lets you engage with potential customers much better, and you can increase your brand visibility quite a bit.
To properly see these benefits, though, you’ll need to master Facebook Ads management and similar areas. While that could take a little while, it’ll be more than worth it once you do. You’ll start seeing results relatively quickly.
4. Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is a relatively new marketing strategy, but it’s quickly showing to be an effective one. It involves partnering with online influencers to get your brand in front of their audience. This improves your brand awareness while also helping lead to more sales going forward.
The trick to this is partnering with influencers related to your niche. By finding ones whose followers fit your target market, you shouldn’t have a problem seeing more and more benefits. This can be a great way to kickstart your marketing success. The results will be more than worth the time and effort you put into it.
5. AI Marketing
AI marketing is a relatively new concept, but it’s starting to show some results. While this is still in its early stages, it’s growing rapidly, especially with the likes of ChatGPT. These kinds of AI tools will show links and brands when answering a user’s questions. This could help increase your visibility and drive more clicks.
By optimising your website and content for AI tools, you could take advantage of this quite a bit. It’ll be a much more targeted approach, as your website and content will only be shown to AI users who’ve already expressed and interest in your type of products or services.
Marketing Strategies: Wrapping Up
Picking the best marketing strategies for your needs can often be complicated. You’ll need to keep multiple factors in mind when you’re deciding. How effective it’ll be, whether it’ll offer an appropriate return on investment, and more will all be worth paying attention to.
That doesn’t mean it has to be a complicated process, though. Instead, picking the right marketing strategies can be easier than you’d think.
Some options stand out more than others, making them worth focusing on. You should see more than a few benefits by using them. Going with two or three of them should help you grow your business and see more sales.